"Being happy doesn't mean your life is perfect. You have just decided to look beyond life's little imperfections."

Sunday, March 19, 2017

1 year

Happy Birthday sweet boy!
I can't believe we have
had this adventurous boy in our lives
for 1 whole year!
It seems like he has grown up
just in the past couple weeks.
He took his first steps
and now walks all over the place.
He just cut 4 new top teeth at the 
same time!
He climbs chairs, tables and everything
he isn't suppose to!
He has brought so much joy into
our lives and we couldn't
imagine life without him.
We celebrated his birthday
by having a little party with all
the grandparents and a few 
Aunts and Uncles.
We have multiplied our toys
in the living room and 
lots of smiles and fun!

Thursday, March 9, 2017

11 months

11 months old!
He loves his red wagon
that the boys got for Christmas.
He loves to puch it all around upstairs
and then climb in it and wait for
someone to push him. 
He still only has 2 teeth on the bottom,
but has been working on some top teeth
for awhile now!
He loves to laugh at his brother and play
He still is such a good sleeper
and usually sleeps 11 hours a night.
He has been sick with a cold
for a few weeks and it is miserable 
to watch him. 
He is getting faster and faster on his feet
and even stands by himself
for a few seconds until
he realizes he is standing by himself.

10 months

I love this picture so much!
It captures the innocents
and happiness that Parker and Colby 
bring into our lives,
without all the fighting and whining
that goes on majority of the time.
Colby is so happy
like all the time!
Parker and him play so well
together and Colby
always wants to do what Parker is doing.
He walks around so much more now
of course with the help of furniture,
people, walls and toys.
He loves to eat, like all the time
whatever you have, will do!

9 months

Happy 9 months!
On January 17th, 2016,
you turned 9 months old. 
It is crazy to think that you have 
been in our lives as long
as you live in my tummy.
We most definitely enjoy you much
more on the outside.
You love to move around on your walker
and pull yourself up on the furniture.
We took you to your 9 month 
check up and you now weigh
16lbs 14oz and you are 27 1/2 in tall.
You are very busy all the time.
You still like to cuddle with me,
but not for very long.
We had your first Christmas 
and you had no idea what was going on
but you sure loved to rip
all the wrapping paper
once it was already ripped off the gifts.
It was a great month
of traditions. We also experienced
your first snow. You were not 
a fan of the cold stuff. We beat a 
30 year old record for the amount
of snowfall this year.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

8 months

I am a little behind on the blog,
mainly because life got busy
with holidays and moving!!
This little dude is 8 months old,
and continue to brings so much joy!h
He is still nursing like a champ
but most certainly loves every
piece of food I put in front of him!
He has left army crawling behind
and is all hands and knees!
He also loves pulling himself 
up on everything and letting go.
He lets go and falls straight back! YIKES!
We also had to buy our first pack of diapers
since he was born.
That's right!!
Our "Diaper Baby Shower" supplied
us with enough diapers to
last 8 months, I call that a WIN!!

Monday, October 17, 2016

7 months

My how the days drag on but the
months fly by!
My little boy is on the move!
He is rolling everywhere and has
mastered the army crawl pretty good.
He loves to get up on his hands and knees
and rock back in forth,
however, he hasn't figured out 
what to do with his arms 
after he launches forward.
(I suspect it will only take him a few weeks)
He now has two teeth and loves to eat.
He refused baby food so he eats whatever
we are having for dinner.
So far, he has loved;
cheerios, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,
pears, graham crackers, sweet potatoes, potatoes,
apples, bananas and so much more.
He still sleeps through the night
but napping is more of a challenge.
He loves to snuggle and fall asleep in my arms
but only sleeps about 30 min. when I lay him down.
He is such a happy boy all the time
and i love watching the interactions
between him and Parker now
that he is a little older.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

6 months

Half a year already?!?!
My goodness time goes by fast. 
Colby is turning into quite the busy baby,
He loves to roll all over the place
and get into everything.
Lately he has discovered cords plugged into the walls.
He is starting to get on his knees,
and I have a feeling crawling is not far off.
He loves to sit in his high chair,
and eat dinner with us.
He has refused pureed food
so we give him whatever we are eating.
So far he hasn't gotten much into
his mouth but he is getting the hang of it.
He weighs around 16 lbs. 
and has 1 tooth!
He is still sleeping through the night.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Parker's birthday!

I can't believe
we have a 4 YEAR OLD!!

We spent the day going bowling
and eating pizza and rootbeer!
Parker wanted strawberry cake 
for dessert topped with fresh strawberries!
All he said he wanted was "matato" soup
(otherwise known as tomato soup).
We got him a few other things too!!

Colby thoroughly enjoying bowling!

5 months

We had a double celebration
this past Wednesday, August 17, 2016.
Colby turned 5 months old on 
Parker's birthday!

At 5 months old, Colby is
rolling in both directions
and is all over the floor now!
The couch and beds are not 
safe anymore.
He loves to scream whether 
or not his needs are met.
He doesn't like to take naps
any longer than 30 min. at a time.
However, we are getting closer 
at sleeping through the night again.
He still loves to smile and laugh!

Friday, August 12, 2016

4 months

4 months old!
He has experienced more camping
than any other 4 month old I know!
He is so happy all the time.
He weighs about 15 lbs. now
and 25 in. long.
He loves sitting in his stroller
and falling asleep all over
scout camp.


One Saturday,
we decided to take a day trip to Yellowstone.
It is about 2.5 hours away
from scout camp 
and I have never been there before.
It was certainly a long day
with not so cooperative children,
but we survived the long day!

our first stop was Old Faithful

sulfur pools

Bison everywhere!!

Grand Canyon of Yellowstone

ended the day with a beautiful sunset
in Grand Teton

Scout Camp 2016

We were blessed with
the opportunity to work at scout camp
again this summer, 
just outside Pinedale, WY.
I was a little nervous
how it was going to work
with a newborn,
but things worked out and we survived.

I love going to Scout Camp
during the summer.
It is the perfect place
to raise our boys,
away from all the technology 
and noise of the world.
In the woods,
they get to explore much more!

all packed and ready to go!

we hiked around the lake!

canoeing on New Fork Lake

being a boy!


ready to canoe swamp the pirates!

oh no, he turned into "Pirate Parker"

serving breakfast

climbing the wall with Larissa

such a happy boy!

all bundled up for the 30 degree nights!